Viimeisimmär kirjoitukset henkilöltä Peetu Virkkala

DigiProcess News: Gender equality training session

In the DigiProcess project, diversity and equality trainining was arranged for project staff. This ensured that equality and non-discrimination issues were taken into account in the project. Now the training material is available to everyone in the attached video. The trainer is Renaz Ebrahimi, an expert in multiculturalism and the encounter of cultures. In the training,…
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Business model innovation sprint

Business model innovation with Finnish companies has started Three Finnish companies have started to innovate their business models in our four-month program: M-Solutions, Muon Solutions, and Timegate. They will be guided in exploring a value proposition for a new product or service.   The program consists of four workshops and eight coaching sessions. The purpose of the program is to…
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Digi-innovaatiot with Stora Enso -tilaisuus

Digi-innovaatiot with Stora Enso -tilaisuus Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse:  mika.turska@lapinamk.fiTervetuloa kuuntelemaan ke 2.3.2022 klo 13-14 Stora Enson Kaisa Suutarin digi-innovaatiomahdollisuuksien esittelyä ja -näkymiä vuodelle 2022.  Ohjelma 13.00 - 13.05 Digiprocess hanke-esittely (Jani Sipola, Projektipäällikkö, Lapin AMK)13.05 - 13.35 Stora Enso digi-innovaatiot (Kaisa Suutari, Head of Digital Innovation, Stora Enso)- Kokeilukulttuuri ja keskitetty rahoitusmekanismi kokeilujen tukemiseksi- Combient Foundry…
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Competitors can be partners in an industrial ecosystem

The digitalization of large-scale industry requires a wide range of advanced solutions, not all of which can be obtained from the same supplier (Benitez, Ayala & Frank, 2020). Traditionally, large-scale industry has collaborated with large suppliers, but in recent years, digitalization has increasingly taken place with SMEs and micro-enterprises as well (Parkkila 2020). The strategy…
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