DigiProcess News: Gender equality training session

In the DigiProcess project, diversity and equality trainining was arranged for project staff. This ensured that equality and non-discrimination issues were taken into account in the project. Now the training material is available to everyone in the attached video.

The trainer is Renaz Ebrahimi, an expert in multiculturalism and the encounter of cultures. In the training, she addresses the situation of issues related to diversity and equality, how everyone will be seen and heard in the project, what the short- and long-term goals are and how much resources are willing to spend on it.

She talked about how equality and its terminology needs to be understood and internalized. We need to create an equal environment for everyone.

Finally, she highlighted the importance of communication: “We need to give space to others and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and be heard”.

For more information on diversity and equality issues, watch the video!

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