Viimeisimmär kirjoitukset henkilöltä Kyllikki Taipale-Eravala

European Roadmap for Industrial Process Automation under Renewal

Project Manager Seppo Saari from Lapland University of Applied Sciences describes ProcessIT.EU elements in the project as follows: ARTEMIS Technology Platform and ProcessIT.EU ( ARTEMIS is the official European Technology Platform (ETP) on Embedded Intelligence. It is an industry-led stakeholder forum as key actor in driving research and innovation, community building, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness.…
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The series of SME-workshops opened in Finland

The first Finnish Process-SME workshop was held in Nivala, Finland on 2nd of May 2017. Project manager Seppo Saari from Lapland University of Applied Sciences informed participants on the motivation, goals and business possibilities in the project. Research manager Matti Muhos from University of Oulu, Microentrepreneurship research team MicroENTRE, in turn, informed about why and…
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Maiden voyage at the Oulu River delta

The services cannot be designed and manufactured in isolation, like products. They are co-created with the customers and are interdependent with wider service networks and clusters. (Gray and Vander Wal, 2014, p. VII) This Saturday evening I started my spring season by taking my ‘new’ wooden river boat to its maiden voyage at the Oulu…
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