The first Finnish Process-SME workshop was held in Nivala, Finland on 2nd of May 2017. Project manager Seppo Saari from Lapland University of Applied Sciences informed participants on the motivation, goals and business possibilities in the project. Research manager Matti Muhos from University of Oulu, Microentrepreneurship research team MicroENTRE, in turn, informed about why and to whom the project is established, and what possibilities the project will provide for the enterprises to advance their business. Entrepreneurs had also opportunity to express their expectations for the results in the project, which led to fruitful discussion.
Mr Jarmo Pudas, the entrepreneur from a company called RecAlkaline, took the floor to introduce his firm and RecAlkaline’s wishes for the project. Mr Pudas stressed the importance of networking which enables broader approach for new business.

Mr Pudas from RecAlkaline told about his company's interesting innovation focused on circle economy and clean technology.
The workshop became a warm and dialogic event. New business possibilities for small enterprises related to advanced services were innovated, and stakeholders got valuable information from entrepreneurs how to steer the actions to desired directions.
-‘It is very important to be face-to-face with the enterprises’, was the ending thought of Mr Matti Muhos.