Vinit Parida - All contacts Sweden

Vinit Parida

Professor Luleå Tekniska UniversitetEntrepreneurship and Innovation
Work Phone: +46 (0)920 492469
Photo of Vinit Parida

Biographical Info

Vinit is a research expert in servitization, organizational capabilities, innovation performance, digitalization, business model, open innovation, and inter-organizational collaboration.

He has defended his PhD (2010) on the topic of achieving competitiveness through externally oriented capabilities: an empirical study of technology-based small firms.

Vinit has experience of being involved in two VINNOVA excellence research centres at LTU- FASTE Excellence Centre for Functional Product Innovation and Centre for Inter-organizational Innovation Research (CIIR).

He has experience of leading numerous research projects related to the business model development and servitization.

He currently supervising seven PhD students and have successfully supervised three PhD students.

He has over 100 plus publications in high impact journals (e.g. Strategic Management Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Operation and Production Management, Journal of Business Research), books and conferences.

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