The second Nordic Pcocess-SME workshop ‘Forest&BIO’ was held between large companies and SMEs in Kemi Finland on 24th January 2019. The workshop targeted at the companies operating in the fields of forest, bio-based, and process IT in order to network and find future business cooperation.
The event focused on future investments, challenges in the forest industry and bio-based industries, and the needs for new innovative services. Large Industry representatives enlightened the possibilities available for SMEs to match those needs with value proposition. At the end of the event by matchmaking, the representatives of SMEs had a great chance to discuss the joint business opportunities with the specialists of large companies in face-to-face meetings.
The workshop was considered very successful, as one of the participants, Mr Timo Merikallio from Metsä Group stated: ‘This exceeded my expectations’. The workshop was organised in cooperation with Digipolis, Luleå University of Technology, University of Oulu Kerttu Saalasti Institute, IUC Industriellt Utvecklingscentrum, Norut, Forskningsparken i Narvik, Nivalan teollisuuskylä and NIHAK.
Next, the series of project workshops will continue by the third Nordic workshop event focusing on off-shore, fishery and oil industries in Hardstad-Narvik, Norway in spring 2019.